Tag Archives: AM 80

April 18, 2009 Sacramento Orchid Society Show Epidendrum Pacific Sizzle ‘Delicious’ (Epi. Pacific Girl x Epi. Hokulea) AM 80 Exhibited by Cal-Orchid Description: Twenty-eight flat flowers and two buds held in a nicely spaced compact, globular cluster on one inflorescence; sepals and petals red orange; lip clear yellow centrally, suffused red orange on margin with […]

Feb 4, 2009 Laelia Julie Anne ‘Jocelyn’ (L. Canariensis x L. pumila) AM 80 Exhibited by Jim Morris Description: Three well-presented flowers on one 12-cm. inflorescence; sepals and petals rose-lavender; lip magenta, golden yellow centrally with magenta keels; substance average; texture crystalline. Measurements in cm.  Ns  10.5  nsv  10.5  Dsw  1.8  dsl  5.8  Pw  3.5 […]

Jan. 7, 2009 Paphiopedilum gratrixianum ‘Taffy’ species AM 80 Exhibited by Ted Foin Description: One stately flower on one 32-cm. inflorescence; dorsal sepal base white suffused centrally with garnet stripes, apically flushed with garnet; petals light mahogany; pouch light brown; substance firm texture waxy. Measurements in cm.  Ns  8.2  nsv  10.2  Dsw  4.4  dsl  5.6 […]

  December 3, 2008 Lycaste Alan Salzman ‘Carol’ (Lyc. Island of Vulcorn x Lyc. Shoalhaven) AM 80 Exhibited by Howard and Joan Gunn Description: One well formed flower and seven buds on eight inflorescences on three mature pseudobulbs; sepals rich dusty rose; petals white heavily overlaid with raspberry; lip oxblood with yellow basally; substance heavy; […]

July 2, 2008 Paphiopedilum Lyro Blackhawk ‘Sierra Sunset’ (Paph. St. Swithin x Paph. glanduliferum) AM 80 Exhibited by Curtis Gean Description: Three flowers and one bud on one erect inflorescence; sepals cream veined deep cordovan; petals honey veined deep cordovan, hirsute on margins; pouch yellow overlaid butterscotch, staminode coral; substance firm; texture glossy. Measurements in […]

November 1, 2006 Paphiopedilum Dollgoldi ‘Cascade’ (Paph. rothschildianum x Paph. armeniacum) AM 80 Exhibited by Rob Terry Description: One stately flower and one bud on one inflorescence; sepals and petals bright yellow with maroon stripes; pouch yellow with light maroon venations; substance good; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns  16.2  nsv  12.9  Dsw  5.0  dsl […]

August 2, 2006 Slc. Purple Fantasy ‘Big Ben’ (Slc Precious Stones x Lc Mini purple) AM 80 Exhibited by Gold Country Orchids Description: Two flowers on one inflorescence; sepals and petals dark cerise tipped with minute green tips; lip dark cerise suffusing to deep red distally with golden yellow central patch with deep magenta stripes; […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center