May 19, 2024
Sarco. Kulnura Mill ‘Dorothy Helen’
Sarco. (Kulnura Coral x Parma)
HCC 76
Exhibited by Daniel Pfarr


Fifth-nine flowers and ten buds on eight inflorescences up to 19-cm in length; sepals and petals widely elliptic, cream overlaid bright yellow, spotted orange in concentric circles basally; saccate lip midlobe cream; bright yellow spot apically, sidelobes light orange; anther cap yellow; substance light; texture lightly crystalline.

Measurements in cm.

 Ns  2.2  nsv  2.6
 Dsw  1.2  dsl  1.4
 Pw  0.6  pl  1.1
 Lsw  1.1  lsl  1.4
 Lipw  0.3  lipl  0.5
 # flwrs 59  # buds
 # infl
California Sierra Nevada Judging Center