June 2, 2010
Prosthechea vitellina ‘Susan Hamilton’
AM 80
Exhibited by Chen-Hao Hsu


Five flowers and two buds on one inflorescence; sepals and petals saturated orange; lip and column yellow, blushed orange apically; pollinia red; substance firm; texture matte.

Note: two measurements are given for the lip, the lip departs from the column about halfway down the column. Previous award measurements have always included both the column and the lip in the over all measurement, however we have chosen to depart from this method. The overall length is 1.8-cm. but the actual lip is 1.0-cm.

Measurements in cm.

 Ns  4.8  nsv  4.6
 Dsw  1.0  dsl  2.6
 Pw  1.5  pl  2.8
 Lsw  1.1  lsl  2.6
 Lipw  0.5  lipl  1.8/1.0
 # flwrs
 # buds
 # infl
California Sierra Nevada Judging Center