July 5, 2017
Promenaea Chameleon ‘Jon’
(Prom. Limelight x Prom. guttata)
CCM 83
Exhibited by Diana Blasingame


Twenty-four slightly cupped flowers and three buds on 27 well arranged inflorescenes completely circling a compact 27 cm plant, grown in a 5.5 x 5.5 cm plastic pot; sepals and petals light chartreuse, heavily spotted and barred maroon; trilobed lip chartreuse, side lobes spotted maroon, midlobe overlaid dark maroon centrally fades to maroon spots apically, callus rich glossy oxblood; column chartreuse, anther cap white; substance firm; texture matte.

Measurements in cm.

Ns 3.9 nsv 3.5
Dsw 1.2 dsl 2.3
Pw 1.4 pl 2.0
Lsw 1.1 lsl 2.3
Lipw 1.5 lipl 1.7
#flwrs 24 #buds 3 #infl 27
California Sierra Nevada Judging Center