Sept. 05, 2018
Phalaenopsis cornu-cervi fma. borneensis ‘Bonheur’
HCC 77
Exhibited by Lynne Murrell


Ten stellate flowers and one bud on five inflorescences, sepals and petals chartreuse overlaid irregular mahogany bars; lateral sepals interior half faintly barred lighter mahogany; lip white, distally, flushed fuchsia flush at midrib; column yellow; substance firm; texture waxy.

Measurements in cm.

 Ns  3.8  nsv  4.5
 Dsw  0.8  dsl  2.3
 Pw  0.7  pl  1.7
 Lsw  1.0  lsl  2.4
 Lipw  0.8  lipl  1.0
#flwrs 10 #buds 1 #infl 5
California Sierra Nevada Judging Center