Sacramento Orchid Society Show
April 21, 2007
Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum var. esquirolei ‘Big Ben’ species
CCM 81
Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky


Five flowers on five inflorescences on an immaculate plant with 19 clean strong growths in a six-inch pot; dorsal sepal ruffled, chartreuse overlaid chestnut centrally, transitions to small chestnut spotting towards margins; ventral sepal ruffled, chartreuse, overlaid chestnut centrally; petals ruffled along top margin, chartreuse with chestnut overlay beginning one centimeter from center of flower, transitioning to dark maroon at spathulate apices; pouch chartreuse stippled mahogany; staminodial shield with chartreuse umba; substance heavy; texture glossy.

Measurements in cm.

 Ns  14.0  nsv  9.8
 Dsw  4.6  dsl  7.3
 Pw  2.9  pl  7.5
 Lsw  3.6  lsl  4.5
 Lipw  2.2  lipl  4.2
 # flwrs
 # buds
 # infl
California Sierra Nevada Judging Center