May 03, 2023                                                    20232291                                                                      Onc. Tipples ‘Dr. Heller’                                        Onc. (Ray’s Red x Tribbles)
AM 80
Exhibited by Lynne M. Murrell


Forty-seven flowers and eighteen buds on one branched, 90-cm inflorescence, plus one immature inflorescence; sepals and petals white, blotched red-brown centrally, blotched dusty rose distally, light rose picotee; lip white, red-brown centrally, midlobe blushed pale rose, keels yellow; column white, anther cap white blushed rose; substance medium; texture matte.

Measurements in cm.

 Ns  7.2  nsv  7.5
 Dsw  2.0  dsl  3.8
 Pw  2.4  pl  4.0
 Lsw  1.7  lsl  3.2
 Lipw  2.4  lipl  3.5
 # flwrs
 # buds
# infl
California Sierra Nevada Judging Center