AOS Judging Resumes

Sunday Judging November 14, 2021  at 12:00 noon

Susan Wedegaertner Home

1348 Kiernan Avenue

Modesto, CA

Plant entry begins at 11:30AM, judging at 12:00 noon

Susan Wedegaertner, Center Chair

AOS Plant Entry Form:


California Sierra Nevada Judging Center has decided to resume American Orchid Society judging. While trying to stay safe we are doing judging outdoors.

Here are some guidelines to make the judges and our exhibitors safe:

1) Wearing a face mask is recommended, please social distance from the judges. Use hand sanitizer.

2) You can bring your own plants to judging. If you bring your plants please have them at the Susan’s Home by 11:30am.

3) If you are feeling ill, please do not attend.


California Sierra Nevada Judging Center