July 28, 2018
Speakers Day
Laelia anceps ‘Anastasia’
HCC 77
Exhibited by Lynne Murrell


Five well presented stellate flowers on a 25 cm staked inflorescence and 3 immature inflorescences; sepals and petals lavender; dorsal sepal slightly recurved apically, petals apical dark lavender, lip closed over column, dark purple, keel lemon yellow, throat yellow, magenta striations, substance good, texture diamond dust; commended for size, color and vigorous growth.

Measurements in cm.

Ns 14.6 nsv 15.3
Dsw 2.7 dsl 8.7
Pw 5.0 pl 8.0
Lsw 2.2 lsl 8.0
Lipw 4.0 lipl 8.0
#flwrs 5 #buds 0 #infl 1
California Sierra Nevada Judging Center