September 04, 2024
F. maculata ‘Anastasia’
CCM 82
Exhibited by Diane Bond


Eight pristine flowers on eight inflorescences of 3-cm, arising from leaf axillae, growing on two canes mounted on moss on a cedar plaque 7 cm wide by 11 cm long; plant is 6 cm wide by 8 cm long; sepals and petals brilliant red-orange; petals porrect; lip contrasting deep yellow; anther cap dark red; substance firm; texture crystalline.

Measurements in cm.

 Ns  0.9  nsv  2.0
 Dsw  0.6  dsl  0.2
 Pw  0.5  pl  0.9
 Lsw  0.4  lsl  1.4
 Lipw  0.5  lipl  0.6
 # flwrs         8  # buds
 # infl
California Sierra Nevada Judging Center