November 1, 2017
Cyrtochilum rusticum ‘Ayo’
Exhibited by Lynne Murrell


Ninety-one flowers and 166 buds on a single 524 cm branched inflorescence; reflexed sepals and petals white, overlaid and blotched brown; lip white, barred brown; column brilliant yellow, white on distal tip; substance firm; texture matte.

Measurements in cm.

Ns 1.5 nsv 1.9
Dsw 0.5 dsl 1.0
Pw 0.5 pl 1.0
Lsw 0.5 lsl 1.2
Lipw 0.3 lipl 0.6
#flwrs 91 #buds 166 #infl 1
California Sierra Nevada Judging Center