March 7, 2012
Cymbidium Renee Taylor ‘Phyllis’
(Cym. Hazel Tyers x Cym. Kabuki Moon)
AM 80
Exhibited by Paul and Phyllis Chim


Eleven flowers on one upright inflorescence; flowers white; sepals and petals white suffused light pink, veined dark pink, coalescing dark pink at tips; lip white, lightly ruffled, blotched magenta on margins of side lobes, tip deep velvet purple, keel pale yellow; substance heavy; texture matte.

Measurements in cm.

 Ns  10.6  nsv  11.6
 Dsw  4.5  dsl  7.8
 Pw  4.0  pl  7.4
 Lsw  4.9  lsl  6.8
 Lipw  5.3  lipl  5.8
 # flwrs
 # buds
 # infl
California Sierra Nevada Judging Center