Dec. 6, 2017
Cym. Leoncio Dumaguin ‘Jaybee’
(Cym. Brook No Greenies x Cym. Lookout)
HCC 75
Exhibited by Ed Dumaguin

Measurements in cm.

Ns 8.3 nsv 6.1
Dsw 2.7 dsl 5.2
Pw 2.7 pl 5.2
Lsw 2.8 lsl 5.2
Lipw 2.6 lipl 4.4
#flwrs 11 #buds 0 #infl 1

Description: Eleven flowers on one arched inflorescence; sepals and petals chartreuse, lightly speckled maroon, more so at midrib; lip cream, side lobes small maroon spots, midlobe larger maroon spots; column cream with maroon spots; substance hard; texture matte.

21Jun 2024

    June 16, 2024 20242312 Pcv. Key Lime Stars ‘Big Ben’ Pcv. (Ctyh. Lime Sherbet x B. nodosa) AM 83 Exhibited by Gold Country Orchids Description: Eleven stellate flowers on two inflorescences up to 17-cm; sepals and petals lanceolate, bright chartreuse; lip tubular, cream suffused and striped light chartreuse, darker chartreuse centrally; substance firm; […]

21Jun 2024

    June 16, 2024 20242309 E. Renate Schmidt ‘El Dorado’ E. (Orchid Jungle x alata) AM 85 Exhibited by Gold Country Orchids Description: One hundred thirty-nine flowers and sixty-four buds on five branched inflorescences up to 120-cm tall; sepals and petals light chartreuse saturated dark cordovan; lip cream, side lobes cream striped cordovan medial-apically, […]

14Jun 2024

    June 16, 2024 20242308 Phrag. QF Loloa ‘Sweetwater Wizards’ Phrag. (pearcei x Majestic Tresses) AM 81 Exhibited by Cheryl Jones Description: Four flowers and four buds on two upright inflorescences; undulate sepals and petals light chartreuse striped light brown; petals flushed light maroon apically; pouch light chartreuse flushed and veined darker brown, claw […]

21Jun 2024

    June 05, 2024 20242307 Den. Little Atro ‘Alan’s Advice’ Den. (normanbyense x atroviolaceum) CCM 87 Exhibited by Cheryl Jones Description: Two hundred twenty-four flowers on a beautifully grown, clean plant on 43 inflorescences, 10.5 cm average length; spikes gracefully arranged and distributed evenly around a 64-cm diameter plant in a 15-cm pot; flower […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center