Nov. 1, 2017
Cym. Khanate of Kazan ‘Jaybee’
(Cym. Kusuda Shining x Cym. Pacific Sparkle)
HCC 77
Exhibited by Ed Dumaguin


Seventeen flowers and two buds on one gracefully arched inflorescence; sepals and petals olive green stippled and veined maroon at margins and midrib; lip cream, side lobes spotted maroon, midlobe maroon spots coalesce apically, cream picotee at margins; column and anther cap light chartreuse; substance hard; texture matte.

Measurements in cm.

Ns 5.5 nsv 6.0
Dsw 1.7 dsl 4.3
Pw 1.6 pl 3.7
Lsw 1.8 lsl 4.0
Lipw 2.0 lipl 2.7
#flwrs 17 #buds 2 #infl 1
California Sierra Nevada Judging Center