July 11, 2012
Cattleya Amethyst Star ‘Purple Flame’
(C. Mini purple x C. longipes)
AM 80
Exhibited by James G. Morris
Elevation of previous HCC 77


Two flowers well-presented on one inflorescence, sepals amethyst; petals amethyst, darker amethyst venation on margins; velvet lip yellow, stippled purple in throat, side lobes and distal tip overlaid deep purple; substance firm; texture sparkling. Elevated to AM due to increased size and improved lip.

Measurements in cm.

 Ns  9.5  nsv 9.4
 Dsw  1.6  dsl  5.4
 Pw  2.8  pl  4.7
 Lsw  1.7  lsl  5.1
 Lipw  2.6  lipl  3.5
 # flwrs
 # buds
 # infl
California Sierra Nevada Judging Center