Orchid Awards

07May 2014

May 7, 2014 20142447 Cymbidium Val Pack ‘Phyllis’ (Cym. Len Southward x Cym. suave) HCC 78 Exhibited by Paul and Phyllis Chim Description: Seventy-six flowers on two pendent 80- and 87-cm inflorescences; sepals and petals lime green, margins pale yellow-green; lip yellow, side lobes and throat burgundy; column green, anther cap pale green; substance firm; […]

07May 2014

May 7, 201420142448Cattleya sincorana ‘Mak’ speciesHCC 78Exhibited by James G. Morris Description: Two flowers on two inflorescences; sepals and petals deep lavender; lip lavender, throat white, keels light yellow, side lobes deep purple, light purple centrally, midlobe veined dark purple; substance average; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns  11.0  nsv  11.0  Dsw  2.0  dsl  6.1 […]

07May 2014

May 7, 2014 20142446 Cattleya Fuchsia Doll (2003) ‘Ione Julie’ (C. sincorana x C. Sierra Doll) HCC 78 Exhibited by James G. Morris Description: Two slightly cupped flowers on one inflorescence; sepals and petals fuchsia; lip fuchsia, throat yellow, side lobes fuchsia at margins, midlobe dark fuchsia; column white, anthercap suffused pale lavender apically; substance […]

07May 2014

May 7, 201420142449Tolu. Pink Panther ‘Janet Kaye’(Tolu. Purple Envy x Tolu. Misty Pink)HCC 76Exhibited by Dennis and Janet Wade Description: Twenty-six flowers and 18 buds on two inflorescences; dorsal sepal and fused lateral sepals burgundy; petals white with burgundy splashes; lip white with central burgundy mask, random burgundy spots and suffused pink margins, side lobes […]

07May 2014

May 7, 2014 20142451 Cymbidium Cabaret ‘Tygr Jade’ (Cym. Woody Wilson x Cym. Vogelsang) HCC 75 Exhibited by Edmund and Jaybee Dumaguin Description: Forty-four flowers on two pendent inflorescences; sepals and petals yellow suffused pink, darker pink stripes and randomly stippled oxblood; slightly ruffled lip ivory heavily speckled oxblood; column ivory heavily stippled oxblood, anther […]

04Apr 2014

April 4, 2014 San Joaquin Orchid Society Show 20142444 C. Carmela’s Tropical Beauty ‘Hawaii’ (Lc. Mem. Robert Strait x Lc. Aloha Case) HCC 79 Exhibited by Nina Simangan Description: Two round flowers on one inflorescence; sepals and petals light lavender overlaid deep rose; semi-isthmus lip, side lobes rose-lavender, mid lobe velvety fuchsia; substance firm; texture […]

02Apr 2014

April 5, 2014Tropical Plant Society of Modesto Show20142445Masdevallia princeps ‘Karen’s Passion’speciesAM 82Exhibited by Karen Olson Description: Five stately flowers on five inflorescences; sepals and petals gold overlaid spotted burnished orange, burgundy spots centrally; lower caudae crossed; lip yellow, finely spotted burgundy; substance heavy; texture matte and papillose. Measurements in cm.  Ns  8.8  nsv  21.5  Dsw […]

29Mar 2014

March 29, 2014Sacramento Orchid Society Show20142435Paph. Norito Hasegawa ‘Nova’(Paph. armeniacum x Paph. malipoense)AM 80Exhibited by Richard F. Buchter Description: One flower on one inflorescence; flowers lemony yellow, petals with obscure brown reticulation centrally, pouch interior speckled brown, visible from outside, staminode heavily veined; substance average; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns  13.3  nsv  11.0  Dsw […]

29Mar 2014

March 29, 2014Sacramento Orchid Society Show20142441Miltoniopsis phalaenopsis ‘Dawn’ speciesCHM 82Exhibited by Doug Kubo Description: Ten flowers and four buds on ten inflorescences; sepals, petals and lip white with a soft yellow central waterfall; long grass-like leaves on a compact plant; commended for its potential for white breeding. Alba form not previously awarded or recognized. Identified […]

29Mar 2014

March 29, 2014 Sacramento Orchid Society Show 20142434 Dendrobium aphyllum ‘Jocelyn’ species HCC 79 Exhibited by James G. Morris Description: One hundred thirteen flowers on one upright, staked inflorescence; sepals and petals pale lavender; lip white, darker purple centrally with few darker striations; substance good; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns  5.5  nsv  4.2  Dsw […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center