Orchid Awards

01Apr 2015

April 1, 201520152433Sarco. Magic ‘Dark Heart’(Sarco. Duno Nicky’s Twin x Sarco. Zoe)AM 84Exhibited by James G Morris Description: Twenty-seven flowers and 16 buds on three inflorescences; sepals and petals white overlaid deep fuchsia centrally, light fuchsia distal half with small white accent midribs; pouch yellow overlaid red horizontal stripes, wings yellow red spots; column white; […]

01Apr 2015

April 1, 201520152435Sarco. Dove ‘Good’(Sarco. Melody x Sarco. hartmannii)HCC 78Exhibited by James G Morris Description: Ten flowers and five buds on one inflorescence; sepals and petals white spotted rose burgundy on reverse, barred rose-burgundy basally, spotted light rose-burgundy distaly; saccate lip white densely barred rose burgundy basally, sparsely spotted yellow apically; substance firm; texture crystalline. […]

01Apr 2015

April 1, 201520152432Sarco. Judith ‘Yvonne’(Sarco. Melba x Sarco. Fitzhart)HCC 78Exhibited by James G. Morris Description: Eight flowers and six buds on one inflorescence; sepals and petals bright white, centrally barred and spotted rose-burgundy; saccate lip yellow, side lobes veined rose-burgundy; anther cap white; substance firm; texture diamond dust. Measurements in cm.  Ns  3.3  nsv  3.6 […]

29Mar 2015

March 29, 2014 Sacramento Orchid Society Show 20142440 Bulbophyllum melanorrhachis ‘Jon’ species CCM 86 Exhibited by Diana Blasingame Description: One thousand six hundred seventy-six flowers and 864 buds on 108 inflorescences borne in a 360 degree display around a cleanly grown plant measuring 55-cm wide and 55-cm vertically on a 10-cm mount; flowers maroon, dorsal […]

20Mar 2015

March 20, 201520152430Rdcdm. Diablo Heart ‘Miss Marian’(Rdcdm. Angel Heart x Rdcdm. Spunky)HCC 79Exhibited by David Trebotich Description: Eighteen flowers and four buds on three inflorescences; dorsal sepal dark maroon; fused lateral sepals dark maroon; petals white overlaid dark maroon centrally with lighter maroon on margins; lip white overlaid dark maroon centrally with lighter maroon on […]

20Mar 2015

March 20, 201520152431Hippeophyllum scortechinii ‘Kat’ speciesCCM 85Exhibited by Edwin Rivera Description: Four thousand four hundred twenty-five flowers on six arched inflorescences on a clean 27×27-cm plant mounted vertically on a 20×20-cm cork plank; flowers pale green; substance firm; texture matte. [Note: flower dimensions too small to measure, all less that 0.1-cm.] Measurements in cm.  Ns  0.3  nsv […]

04Mar 2015

March 4, 2015 20152429 C. Beautiful Sunset ‘Grass Valley’ (C. Orpetii x C. sincorana) AM 85 Exhibited by Ted McClellan Description: Two large, flat flowers on one inflorescence; sepals and petals deep rose, veined darker rose; lip pale yellow overlaid deep magenta and dark red apically, throat bright yellow, keels red-orange; substance firm; texture matte. […]

04Mar 2015

March 4, 201520152427Den. gracilicaule ‘In Situ’ speciesHCC 76Exhibited by Jeff Tyler Description: One thousand seven hundred twenty-five flowers and 30 buds on 115 inflorescences; sepals and petals chartreuse, sepals reverse spotted maroon; lip lighter chartreuse with darker chartreuse midvein; substance good; texture diamond dust. Measurements in cm.  Ns  2.0  nsv  1.1  Dsw  0.4  dsl  1.2 […]

04Mar 2015

March 4, 201520152428Den. Gillian Leaney ‘Jocelyn’(Den. kingianum x Den. delicatum)HCC 78Exhibited by James G. Morris Description: Two hundred twenty flowers on 22 inflorescences; petals and sepals pale yellow; lip white with random purple spots, callus yellow with fine purple spots; anther cap white; substance firm; texture crystalline. Measurements in cm.  Ns  4.3  nsv  4.4  Dsw […]

04Feb 2015

February  4, 201520152421Rlc. Doug George ‘Pink Parfait’(C. Horace x Rlc. Delta King)AM 82Exhibited by James G. Morris Description: Seventeen stellate, non-resupinate flowers and three buds on ten short, upright inflorescences; sepals and petals cream colored, purple spots creating lines, heavy on margins, petals slightly appressed; lip acuminate, cream colored, overlaid pale yellow; column green, anther […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center