Orchid Awards

01Aug 2015

August 1, 2015Speaker’s Day20152465Paph. Saint Swithin ‘Bob’(Paph. phillipinense x Paph. rothschildianum)HCC 78Exhibited by Bob Conaty Description: Ten flowers on two inflorescences; dorsal sepal cream prominently veined dark maroon; synsepal cream veined dark maroon; petals pale yellow-green, spotted maroon proximally, striped dark maroon distally, margins hirsute; pouch yellow, overlaid maroon, faint maroon venation; substance fair; texture […]

01Aug 2015

August 1, 2015Speaker’s Day20152464Phal. speciosa var. christiana ‘Jennifer Weseloh’ speciesHCC 78Exhibited by Chaunie Langland Description: Eleven flowers on three branched inflorescences plus one branched inflorescence with no flowers or mature buds;sepals and petals white with nonrepetitive color rose-purple, violet centrally, lip white, violet basally; column and anther cap white; substance firm; texture waxy. Measurements in […]

01Aug 2015

August 1, 2015Speaker’s Day20152462Ohd. Ruby Palace ‘Blood Pixie’(Onc. Crystal Palace x Oot. Summit)AM 81 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Thirty-five flowers and four buds on one inflorescence, with four side branches; sepals and petals cream, heavily overlaid burnt red, shading to dark red-brown at margins; lip dark red, callus yellow, anther cap white; substance […]

01Aug 2015

August 1, 2015Speaker’s Day20152463Masdevallia Samantha Kha ‘Lustre’(Masd. ignea x Masd. Chinese New Year)AM 80Exhibited by Ken Cook Description: One flower on one erect 28-cm inflorescence; sepals base color yellow overlaid red with intense yellow surrounding column; dorsal sepal lighter red on margins, brilliant yellow centrally, caudae darker red centrally, pleasingly crossed; petals yellow; lip crimson; […]

01Jul 2015

July 1, 201520152461Paph. superbiens ‘Howard’speciesAM 81Exhibited by Joan Gunn Description: Two well-presented flowers on two erect inflorescences; dorsal sepal white alternatively striped green and burgundy; petals white, green along midrib and finely dotted burgundy, margins ciliate; pouch cordovan; staminode white overlaid pale green with burgundy spots; texture waxy, pouch matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns  9.0 […]

01Jul 2015

July 1, 201520152459Dendrobium Hibiki ‘Madame’(Den. bracteosum x Den. laevifolium)HCC 76Exhibited by Jeff Tyler Description: Ninety-four flowers and 19 buds tightly arranged on seven blooming canes; sepals and petals dark rose-pink; lip bright orange; substance firm; texture crystalline. Measurements in cm.  Ns  2.7  nsv  2.7  Dsw  0.9  dsl  1.9  Pw  0.9  pl  1.7  Lsw  0.7  lsl […]

01Jul 2015

July 1, 201520152458Den. laevifolium ‘D. C. Graham’ speciesHCC 78Exhibited by Jeff Tyler Description: Thirty-nine flowers on nine inflorescences; sepals and petals intense fuchsia; lip yellow lightly suffused fuchsia on ventral surface; column and anther cap white; substance firm; texture crystalline. Measurements in cm.  Ns  2.3  nsv  2.5  Dsw  1.0  dsl  1.6  Pw  1.0  pl  1.6 […]

01Jul 2015

July 1, 201520152457Eulophia petersii ‘California’ speciesCCE 91Exhibited by Jeff Tyler Description: Four hundred fifty flowers and 190 buds displayed on four robust, upright, branched inflorescences up to 2.58-m in height; 18 pseudobulb plant grown in gravel in a 83-cm plastic pot; sepals and petals green, striped mahogany, strongly recurved at apex; lip midlobe white, striped […]

01Jul 2015

July 1, 201520152460Schoenorchis fragrans ‘In Situ’ speciesAM 82Exhibited by Jeff Tyler Description: Fifty-six flowers and six buds well displayed on two inflorescences; sepals and petals white basally, dark fuchsia distally; lip dark fuchsia, 0.3-cm long sput translucent white; anther cap yellow; substance firm; texture diamond dust. Measurements in cm.  Ns  0.4  nsv  0.7  Dsw  0.1 […]

03Jun 2015

June 3, 201520152453Onc. Splinter ‘Brookside’(Onc. sphacelatum x Onc. leucochilum)HCC 78Exhibited by Cecil Bullard Description: Three hundred thirty-four flowers on one 235-cm tall inflorescence bearing 34 upwardly held, evenly distributed branches; undulate sepals and petals yellow, overlaid mahogany centrally; lip yellow, isthmus brown, crest spotted chestnut; substance firm; texture sepals and petals waxy, lip satin. Measurements […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center