Orchid Awards

06Jan 2016

January 6, 201620162444Hippeophyllum scortechinii ‘In Situ’speciesCCE 92Exhibited by Jeffrey G Tyler Description: Approximately 6000 flowers on 12 arched inflorescences well- displayed around a 27 x 36-cm plant mounted on a 4.5 x 13-cm wooden plaque; flowers pale green; substance firm; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns  0.3  nsv  0.3  Dsw  –  dsl  –  Pw  – […]

06Jan 2016

January 6, 2016 20162443 Bulb. ankylochele ‘Lemon Chiffon’ species CHM 85 Exhibited by Jeffrey G. Tyler Description: Nineteen flowers and seven buds on a 20-cm plant in an 8-cm pot; flowers nicely arranged around the plant. Recognized for its delicate pale, translucent yellow sepals and petals and open contrasting orange lip and potential for hybridizing. […]

02Dec 2015

December 2, 201520152493Paph. richardianum ‘Janine’ speciesHCC 77Exhibited by Bob Conaty Description: One flower and three buds on one 21-cm inflorescence; dorsal sepal cream flushed pale green centrally and maroon laterally; synsepal cream flushed pale green; petals pale green centrally darker maroon-brown on margins and apex, maroon brown warts centrally; pouch pale green heavily suffused maroon-brown;substance […]

02Dec 2015

December 2, 2015 20152494 Ryc. Empress Pride ‘Nancy’s Choice’ (L. anceps x Rlc. Pink Empress) HCC 75 Exhibited by Ted McClellan Description: One flat flower on one erect 14-cm inflorescence; sepals and petals medium rose, venated deep rose; lip yellow, distally deep rose, basally maroon, side lobes overlaid dark rose, column ivory; substance medium; texture […]

12Nov 2015

November 12, 2015 Northern Nevada OS Show AOS Members Meeting, Reno, NV. 20152485 Paph. Shirokane ‘Chardonnay’ (Paph. White Queen x Paph. Optimus Prime) HCC 76 Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky Description: One large, full-shaped flower on one 10-cm inflorescence; dorsal sepal broad, slightly cupped, pale chartreuse, veined green, lightly peppered burgundy basally and medially, 1-cm white […]

12Nov 2015

November 12, 2015Northern Nevada OS ShowAOS Members Meeting, Reno, NV.20152490Paph. Jennifer Reinoso ‘Anniversary’(Paph. Mem. Hirohisa Kauai x Paph. godefroyae)HCC 76Exhibited by Hillsview Gardens Description: One flower on one sturdy inflorescence; base color ivory spotted maroon on the front and reverse, spots more heavily concentrated on sepals; dorsal sepal broad, pointed at apex; petals ovate, undulate […]

12Nov 2015

November 12, 2015Northern Nevada OS ShowAOS Members Meeting, Reno, NV.20152486Holcoglossum wangii ‘JoJo’s Mama Jenny’speciesAM 82Exhibited by Andy’s Orchids Description: Ten well-presented, evenly spaced flowers and four buds on one inflorescence, one immature inflorescence with three buds; petals slightly twisted, sepals and petals white blushed rose on midrib; lip white overlaid pink, barred magenta centrally, sidelobes […]

12Nov 2015

November 12, 2015Northern Nevada OS ShowAOS Members Meeting, Reno, NV.20152488Prosthecea garciana ‘Andy’s Jenny’ speciesHCC 75Exhibited by Andy’s Orchids Description: Seventeen stellate, non-resupinate flowers and three buds on ten short, upright inflorescences; sepals and petals cream colored, purple spots creating lines, heavy on margins, petals slightly appressed; lip acuminate, cream colored, overlaid pale yellow; column green, […]

12Nov 2015

November 12, 2015Northern Nevada OS ShowAOS Members Meeting, Reno, NV.20152489Den. Enobi Purple ‘Fiona Shae’(Den. Enobi Komachi x Den. Laguna Princess)AM 82Exhibited by Susan L. Davis Description: Nineteen full, round flowers on two inflorescences; basal color all segments stark white; sepals lightly overlaid tessellated purple; petals overlaid purple radiating from center; lip velvety purple in throat, […]

12Nov 2015

November 12, 2015Northern Nevada OS ShowAOS Members Meeting, Reno, NV.20152492Northern Nevada Orchid SocietyAOS Show Trophy 84 pts Description: One 10′ x 20′ floor display with two vintage slot machines back-to-back surrounded with orchid species and hybrids in a variety of genera; the orchids, designed in color arrangement, were placed in baskets or hung from pillars to […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center