Orchid Awards

09Apr 2016

April 9, 2016Sacramento OS Show20162465Phal. bastianii ‘Joan’ speciesCCM 84Exhibited by Joan Gunn Description: One hundred sixty-four flowers and 29 buds on 37 branched inflorescences on a 59 x 47-cm plant in a 15-cm plastic basket; sepals and petals white, light green distally, barred magenta; lip intense magenta; column white; substance firm; texture waxy. Measurements in […]

09Apr 2016

April 9, 2016Sacramento OS Show20162463Sarco. Charm ‘Elizabeth Anne’(Sarco. Bernice Klein x Sarco. Fitzhart)HCC 77Exhibited by James G. Morris Description: Fifteen nicely displayed flowers and one bud on two arched inflorescences; sepals and petals white overlaid burgundy centrally, partially spotted burgundy proximally, picotee burgundy; saccate lip golden yellow, side lobes burgundy; substance firm; texture crystalline. Measurements […]

09Apr 2016

April 9, 2016Sacramento OS Show20162464Paph. rothschildianum ‘Howard P. Martin’speciesFCC 92Exhibited by Howard P. Martin Description: Three striking flowers and one bud on one 53-cm inflorescence; sepals chartreuse striped dark oxblood; petal margins undulate basally, hirsute, dark chartreuse, basal oxblood spots coalesce to stripes distally; pouch dark oxblood with darker venation; staminode tan with oxblood hairs; […]

09Apr 2016

April 9, 2016 Sacramento OS Show 20162468 Bulb. longissimum ‘Joan’ species FCC 90 Exhibited by Joan Gunn Description: Seventy-six striking flowers on 14 semi-umbellate inflorescences and eight immature inflorescences (buds not counted); dorsal sepal chartreuse flushed pink, striped burgundy; lateral sepals cream striped coral pink; petals chartreuse stippled burgundy on margins; lip yellow; substance firm; […]

09Apr 2016

April 9, 2016Sacramento OS Show20162470Educational Exhibit Certificate92 pointsExhibited by Raymond Prothero Description: An exceptional, well-organized display of California native species; the exhibit presents thirty-five different native species and subspecies including enlarged photographs; maps of locations, hand painted art work and herbarium sheets on loan from the University of California at Davis. Measurements in cm.  Ns […]

09Apr 2016

April 9, 2016Sacramento OS Show20162466Paph. liemianum ‘Intensity’ or ‘Malbec’ speciesHCC 78Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky Description: One flower and one bud on one 20-cm inflorescence; dorsal sepal cream overlaid green- bronze centrally with 4-cm cream margin; synsepal light green; petals light green barred magenta, margins hirsute; pouch chartreuse overlaid purple, spotted darker purple; staminode green overlaid […]

09Apr 2016

April 9, 2016Sacramento OS Show20162455Proden. Frank’s Gift ‘Carolyn Michelle’(Grc. Chic x Epi. stamfordianum)HCC 76 Exhibited by Penny Walgenbach Description: Fourteen nice flowers and one bud on one branched inflorescence; sepals and petals white spotted purple; lip white, midlobe spotted purple; column pale green, purple apically; substance firm; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns  5.5  nsv  5.2 […]

09Apr 2016

April 9, 2016Sacramento OS Show20162473AOS Show Trophy84 pointsExhibited by Jeff Tyler Description: A 6 x 4-ft table top display consisting of a variety of approximately 50 orchid species well-grown and very floriferous; left side to center of the display for the larger plants with the center to right for the smaller plants; the mounted plants […]

09Apr 2016

April 9, 2016Sacramento OS Show20162471Paph. rothschildianum ‘Dark Angel’  speciesAM 89Exhibited by Fred Capricio Description: Four flowers and one bud on one 60-cm inflorescence; cupped sepals dark chartreuse striped dark oxblood; petals downswept, margins undulate and hirsute proximally, dark chartreuse, spots oxblood coalesce to stripes and fully suffuse distally; pouch heavily suffused dark oxblood; staminode tan, […]

09Apr 2016

April 9, 2016Sacramento OS Show20162472Den. Silver King ‘Ginny’(Den. Peter Shen x Den. Silver Wings)HCC 78Exhibited by Virginia Grove Description: Nineteen flowers and two buds on six (2 are immature) erect inflorescences; sepals and petals white with random faint lavender veins, heavier lavender veins at apex; lip darker lavender; anther cap white; substance good; texture matte. […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center