Orchid Awards

06Jul 2016

July 6, 201620162481Den. cumulatum ‘Banshee’speciesHCC 77Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Fifty-nine flowers and 102 buds on 11 irregularly spaced canes; sepals and petals rose, veined darker rose; lip white, overlaid pink apically, throat spotted dark rose, 2.7-cm spur darker rose; substance thin; texture diamond dust; recognized for the floriferousness of this beautifully presented […]

06Jul 2016

July 6, 201620162480Lc. Twilight Song ‘Grass Valley’(C. walkeriana var. alba x L anceps)HCC 78Exhibited by Ted McClellan Description: Two full, well-presented flowers on one upright inflorescence; sepals and petals light rose, darker rose pink margins and midline; lip well-ruffled, cream, dark rose pink margins, throat striped magenta centrally, suffused yellow centrally; substance hard; texture crystalline. […]

01Jun 2016

June 1, 201620162478Paph. Robinianum ‘Somerset’(Paph. parishii x Paph. lowii)HCC 75Exhibited by Cheryl Phillipson Description: Ten flowers and six buds on four nicely arranged inflorescenecs; sepals pale chartreuse, veined darker; petals somewhat twisted, chartreuse, overlaid and veined purple, distal one-half coalesced dark purple spots, basal one-half chartreuse spotted dark purple; pouch green suffused mahogany, veined darker […]

01Jun 2016

June 1, 201620162477Lc. Garrett Collins ‘Somerset’(C. Little Dipper x Lc. Mini Purple)AM 83Exhibited by Cheryl Phillipson Description: Nine flowers on four inflorescences; sepals and petals white suffused lavender, dark magenta trumpet-shaped flares on petals; lip white centrally suffused lavender, deep magenta apically; anther cap white striped lavender; substance heavy texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns […]

01Jun 2016

June 1, 201620162476Paph. Franz Glanz ‘Minion’(Paph. armeniacum x Paph. emersonii)HCC 76Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: One flower on one inflorescence; sepals and petals pale yellow; pouch yellow, internally spotted cordovan; staminode bright yellow, marked brown; substance fair; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns  11.4  nsv  9.0  Dsw  3.9  dsl  5.0  Pw  5.1  pl […]

01Jun 2016

June 1, 201620162479Phal. Liu’s Berry ‘Oscar Rudolph’(Phal. Eduardo Quisumbing x Phal. parishii)HCC 79Exhibited by Susan Wedegaertner Description: Ten flowers and 15 buds on one branched inflorescence; flowers white; dorsal sepal overlaid rose pink, petal suffused rose pionk margins heavier; lip spade shaped, overlaid deep rose, sidelobes deep rose, midlobe deep rose, callus orange spotted deep […]

04May 2016

May 4, 201620162474Cymbidium Magic Devon ‘Maisie’(Cym. Devon Caress x Cym. Tethys)AM 80Exhibited by Ed Dumaguin Description: Fourteen flowers on one arched inflorescence; sepals and petals white overlaid lavender maroon, burgundy spots, random spotted centrally; velvet lip maroon black, anther cap white; substance hard; texture sepals and petals matte, lip velvet. Measurements in cm.  Ns  7.0 […]

04May 2016

May 4, 201620162565Paph. hennisianum ‘Pinot Grigio’ speciesHCC 79Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky Description: One flower and one bud on two inflorescences; sepals white striped green centrally, striped burgundy laterally; petals white heavily overlaid dark green, blushed rose apically, uniform dark mahogany spots, margins hirsute; pouch green heavily overlaid mahogany, darker mahogany venation; staminode green marked dark […]

04May 2016

May 4, 201620162475Enc. Borincana ‘Dancing Ladies’(Enc. alata x Enc. bractescens)AM 83Exhibited by Virginia Grove Description: Sixty stellate flowers and one well-arranged on six upright, unstaked inflorescences; sepals and petals yellow heavily overlaid mahogany; lip white heavily veined amethyst, overlaid yellow at apex; anther cap yellow; substance hard; texture matte Measurements in cm.  Ns  4.3  nsv […]

09Apr 2016

April 9, 2016Sacramento OS Show20162469Leptotes bicolor ‘Sheri A’ speciesAM 80Exhibited by Doug Kubo Description: Six flowers and one bud on four inflorescences; sepals and petals pure white; lip white, side lobes chartreuse, midlobe purple white on distal tip; substance firm; texture crystalline. Measurements in cm.  Ns  7.8  nsv  7.4  Dsw  0.8  dsl  5.0  Pw  0.5 […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center