Orchid Awards

08Apr 2017

April 8, 2017Sacramento Orchid Society Show20171242Masd. Bella Donna ‘Lia’(Masd. coccinea x Masd. datura)HCC 79Exhibited by Orchid for the People Description: One flower and 14 buds on 15 inflorescences; sepals white, yellow basally, blushed and veined fuchsia distally, deeper at magins, caudae light yellow-green; lip yellow-green; texture diamond dust. Measurements in cm. Ns 5.1 nsv 13.9 […]

08Apr 2017

April 8, 2017Sacramento Orchid Society Show20171244Bulbophyllum romyi ‘In Situ’speciesCCM 84Exhibited by Jeff Tyler Description: Nineteen flowers and nine buds on 28, 12 cm inflorescences; flowers chartreuse; dorsal sepal spotted purple, violet and white cilia on margin; lateral sepals fused, heavily spotted purple; petals spotted purple, appendages violet and white on margin; lip dark brown, gold […]

08Apr 2017

April 8, 2017Sacramento Orchid Society Show20171245Bulbophyllum romyi ‘In Situ’speciesAM 83Exhibited by Jeff Tyler Description: Nineteen flowers and nine buds on 28, 12 cm inflorescences; flowers chartreuse; dorsal sepal spotted purple, violet and white cilia on margin; lateral sepals fused, heavily spotted purple; petals spotted purple, appendages violet and white on margin; lip dark brown, gold […]

08Apr 2017

April 8, 2017Sacramento Orchid Society Show20171249Bulbophyllum cumingii ‘In Situ’speciesCCE 90Exhibited by Jeff Tyler Description: Four hundred ninety-three umbellate flowers and 174 buds borne on 46 inflorescences displayed in 360 degrees around clean 64 x 61 cm plant that completely covers a wood mount; dorsal sepal yellow, lightly flushed brown-orange; fused lateral sepals yellow brushed rose […]

08Apr 2017

April 8, 2017Sacramento Orchid Society Show20171250 & 20171251AOS Show Trophy and Silver Certificate 86Exhibited by Jeff Tyler Description: An impressive 12 x 3 foot table top display consisting of approximately 50 plants comprised of a wide variety of genera, artfully arranged in a pleasing natural flow; many of the species exhibited are of specimen size, […]

05Apr 2017

April 5, 201720171239Tuberolabium odoratissimum ‘In Situ’speciesCCE 92Exhibited by Jeff Tyler Description: Approximately three hundred twenty-three flowers on 25 densely flowered inflorescences on an immaculately grown 30 x 42 cm plant on a 5 x 27 root bound plaque; sepals and petals ivory blushed yellow centrally with brown bar; saccate lip white, purple centrally; substance firm; […]

05Apr 2017

April 5, 201720171226Rhincs. Jocelyn ‘John’(Rhines. Yellow Cascades x Sarco. George Colthup)AM 80Exhibited by James G. Morris Description: Thirty-three flowers and 57 buds well-spaced, consistent with its breeding, on eight slightly arched inflorescences; flowers white, mahogany spots centrally, mahogany and yellow spots sidelobes; anther cap yellow; substance firm; texture diamond dust. Measurements in cm. Ns 3.2 […]

05Apr 2017

April 5, 201720171231Sarco. Perky Dove ‘Peachy’(Sarco. Fizzy Dove x Sarco. Perky)AM 82Exhibited by James G. Morris Description: Thirteen flowers and ten buds on two upright inflorescences; sepals and petals pale yellow lightly overlaid pale salmon; lip sulfur yellow, anther cap white; substance firm; texture diamond dust; commended for unusual color form. Measurements in cm. Ns […]

05Apr 2017

April 5, 201720171227Paph. Prime Child ‘Josie’(Paph. rothschildianum x Paph. primulinum)AM 82Exhibited by Joanne Gerow Description: Two flowers and one bud on one inflorescence; sepals chartreuse veined dark burgundy; petals chartreuse burgundy spots arranged linearly and veined burgundy, hirsute margins; pouch chartreuse, lower two-thirds flushed burgundy; substance firm; texture matte. Measurements in cm. Ns 14.7 nsv […]

05Apr 2017

April 5, 201720171230Leptotes bicolor ‘Cindy’speciesAM 80Exhibited by Doug Kubo Description: Six flowers on two inflorescences; sepals and petals inrolled, white; lip proximal two-thirds overlaid magenta, rolled longitudinally; column and side lobes pale green, anther cap green; texture firm; substance diamond dust. Measurements in cm. Ns 5.4 nsv 5.7 Dsw 0.9 dsl 4.2 Pw 0.6 pl […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center