Orchid Awards

06Sep 2017

Sept. 6, 2017 20171288 Rth. Newberry Jewel ‘Grass Valley’ (C. Newberry Firehouse x Rth. Paxton Brooks) HCC 79 Exhibited by Ted McClellan Description: Three flowers on one inflorescence; sepals orange red; ruffled petals yellow centrally, overlaid orange red; lip yellow heavily overlaid dark red, dark red striations in throat; substance firm; texture matte. Measurements in […]

06Sep 2017

Sept. 6, 2017 20171287 Rlc. Sierra Garnet ‘Nevada City’ (C. Sierra Doll x Rlc. Oconee) AM 84 Exhibited by Ted McClellan Description: Three flowers on one inflorescence; sepals and petals indigo purple; ruffled lip yellow overlaid intense darker indigo purple; substance firm; texture diamond dust. Measurements in cm. Ns 11.9 nsv 12.0 Dsw 3.1 dsl […]

06Sep 2017

Sept. 6, 2017 20171285 Cym. x gammieanum (Cym. elegans x Cym. erythraeum) HCC 77 Exhibited by Lynne Murrell Description: Forty-nine flowers and one bud on three inflorescences; dorsal sepal chartreuse, faintly striped red; lateral sepals and petals; chartreuse, faintly stippled red; lip butter yellow, side lobes striped red, midlobe yellow, spotted red; substance medium; texture […]

06Sep 2017

Sept. 6, 2017 20171284 C. pumila var. coerulea ‘Marcie Lyle’ species AM 81 Exhibited by Doug Kubo Description: One exceptionally flat flower on one inflorescence; sepals and petals white blushed very pale slate blue; lip white with indigo distal one-half; substance firm; texture diamond dust. Measurements in cm. Ns 11.5 nsv 12.0 Dsw 2.2 dsl […]

06Sep 2017

Sept. 6, 2017 20171286 Bulb. cruentum ‘Raise the Red Lantern’ species AM 85 Exhibited by Jeff Tyler Description: Five flowers and two buds on one inflorescence and one immature inflorescence; flowers color deep burgundy, papillose at apex of petals; substance hard; texture waxy. Measurements in cm. Ns 3.3 nsv 5.0 Dsw 2.2 dsl 3.1 Pw […]

29Jul 2017

July 29, 2017Speakers Day20171280Stanhopea wardii ‘Joan’speciesHCC 79Exhibited by Joan Gunn Description: Thirty-six flowers on seven inflorescences and four immature inflorescences; sepals and petals golden yellow, macular spots cordovan; lip hypochile golden yellow, two large maroon spots, meso- and epichile golden yellow, speckled cordovan; column light green, speckled cordovan; substance hard; texture waxy. Measurements in cm. […]

29Jul 2017

July 29, 2017 Speakers Day 20171283 Stanhopea maduroi ‘Gunnii’ species CBR Exhibited by Joan Gunn Description: Nineteen flowers on two inflorescences, 15 buds on two inflorescences, one immature inflorescence; sepals and petals cream yellow; lip cream yellow, horn finely spotted maroon, epichile finely spotted maroon; column cream yellow, finely spotted maroon along margins; substance light; […]

29Jul 2017

July 29, 2017 Speakers Day 20171282 Rlc. Matthew Koch ‘Gold Country’ (Rlc. Sunday x C. Bright Angel) AM 87 Exhibited by Ted McClellan Description: Three well-presented flowers and three immature flowers on two upright inflorescences; sepals and petals bright yellow; lip bright yellow overlaid magenta, veined side lobes close over column, yellow blotch centrally; substance […]

29Jul 2017

July 29, 2017Speakers Day20171279Phal. violacea ‘Melencia’speciesAM 87Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: One well-presented flower and one bud on one inflorescence; sepals and petals saturated rich magenta; lip sidelobes white, rich magenta at apex, midlobe rich magenta; column and anther cap rich magenta; substance hard; texture crystalline. Measurements in cm. Ns 5.3 nsv 5.7 […]

29Jul 2017

July 29, 2017 Speakers Day 20171281 Pinalia concolor ‘Bonheur’ species CBR Exhibited by Lynne Murrell Description: Two symmetrically round flowers and one bud on two inflorescences; sepals and petals dark magenta; lip intensely dark magenta; column and anther cap dark magenta; substance rigid; texture glistening. Measurements in cm. Ns 8.5 nsv 4.3 Dsw 2.3 dsl […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center