Orchid Awards

23Apr 2021

AOS Judging Resumes Sunday May 2, 2021 at 9AM Dueling Dogs Brewing Company 3030 Barrett Park Lane Lincoln, CA Plant entry begins at 8:30AM, judging at 9AM Susan Wedegaertner, Center Chair AOS Plant Entry Form: https://www.aos.org/AOS/media/Content-Images/PDFs/Judging_Entry_Form-2Up.pdf   California Sierra Nevada Judging Center has decided to resume American Orchid Society judging. While trying to stay safe […]

23Apr 2021

April 11, 2021 20212279 Paph. Mystically Contrasting ‘Reece’ (Paph. Mystically Wood x Macabre Contrasts) HCC 77 Exhibited by Tyler Albrecht Description: One flower on one 27-cm inflorescence; sepals white. blushed chartreuse centrally, veined dark mahogany; petals elliptical, chartreuse, densely spotted mahogany, hirsute on margins; pouch chartreuse, heavily overlaid dark mahogany, veined darker mahogany; staminode horse-shoe […]

23Apr 2021

April 11, 2021 20212278 Sarco. Rage ‘Kiki’ (Sarco.  Kulnura Dazzle x Kulnura Drive) AM 85 Exhibited by Anne Kimmerlein Description: Sixteen strikingly round, flat flowers and thirty-two buds on seven upright, 12-cm inflorescences; sepals and petals royal cardinal red, sepals ovate, petals spatulate; lip saccate, white, overlaid rusty red; anther cap cream; substance firm; texture […]

23Apr 2021

April 11, 2021 20212277 Sarco. Susie ‘Good Choices’ (Sarco.  Maria x Kulnura Absolute) HCC 79 (prov) Exhibited by Anne Kimmerlein Description: Eleven flowers and four buds on two inflorescences; sepals and petals white, barred cerise centrally , suffused pink apically; saccate pouch white, side lobes striped cerise, yellow apically; substance firm; texture matte. Measurements in […]

23Apr 2021

April 11, 2012 20212276 Cym. Piñata ‘Jaybee’ (Cym. Tethys x Kyber Pass) HCC 77 Exhibited by Ed Dumaguin Description: Eleven flowers on one 60-cm inflorescence; sepals and petals white, randomly spotted and blotched deep rose; lip white, side lobes overlaid burgundy, with spots coalesced into bars, midlobe overlaid burgundy with white picotee; column cream, spotted […]

23Apr 2021

April 11,, 2021 20212275 Sarco. Kulnura Phase ‘Monster’ (Sarco.  Roberta x Ice Magic) JC Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Seventy-five flowers and nine buds on nine arched, 18-cm inflorescences on a 25-cm plant in a 14-cm basket; sepals cream, overlaid light peach distally, concentrically barred darker peach proximally; petals semi-peloric, cupped, cream, overlaid […]

23Apr 2021

April 11, 2021 20212274 Sarco. Pixie Princess ‘Chunky’ (Sarco.  Glowing Embers x Kulnura Festival) AM 83 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: One hundred twenty-two slightly cupped flowers and twelve buds on fourteen 18-cm inflorescences on a 16-cm plant in a 14-cm basket; sepals and petals white, overlaid rose distally, concentric rose spots centrally; […]

23Apr 2021

April 11,, 2021 20212273 Pda. Hadassah’s Pride ‘Susie’ (Pda. Mevr. L. Velthuis x V. Kulwadee Fragrance) AM 81 Exhibited by Cecil Bullard Description: Nineteen round flowers well held on two inflorescences; dorsal sepal white, overlaid light lavender, speckled burgundy; lateral sepals white, overlaid light chartreuse for a pleasing masked effect; petals light lavender, stippled burgundy; […]

23Apr 2021

April 11,, 2021 20212272 Sarco. Kulnura Khaleeshi ‘Melencia’ (Sarco.  Kulnura Kaleidoscope x Roberta) AM 80 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: One hundred sixty-four flowers and thirteen buds on eighteen 19.5-cm, cascading inflorescences, on a 30.8-cm wide plant grown in a 21-cm basket; sepals and petals pale peach, concentrically barred darker peach; lip saccate, […]

23Apr 2021

April 11, 2012 20212271 Cym. Easter Fire ‘Jaybee’ (Cym. Fifi x Ernest Hetherington) HCC 75 Exhibited by Ed Dumaguin Description: Forty flowers on three upright inflorescences; sepals and petals bright yellow, overlaid maroon; lip bright yellow, blotched maroon apically, edges of side lobes and throat stippled maroon, callus yellow; column yellow, blushed maroon, centrally spotted […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center