Orchid Awards

17Apr 2010

April 17, 2010 Sacramento Orchid Society Show Rhinerrhiza divitiflora ‘Jocelyn’ species CBR Exhibited by James Morris Description: Forty-nine flowers and three buds on two arching inflorescences on a 16-cm plant on a cork mount; sepals and petals yellow-green with brown barring centrally; lip white with brown side lobes; substance delicate; texture matte. Recognized for its […]

17Apr 2010

April 17, 2010 Sacramento Orchid Society Show Dendrobium Roy Tokunaga ‘Little Ben’ (Den. atroviolaceum x Den. johnsoniae) CCM 86 Exhibited by Gold Country Orchids Description: Three hundred sixty well presented and showy flowers and six buds on 40 upright canes beautifully grown and displayed in a two gallon pot; sepals and petals white with random […]

17Apr 2010

April 17, 2010 Sacramento Orchid Society Show Sarcochilus hartmannii ‘Yeti’ species AM 80 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Fifty-three flowers and three buds on three inflorescences; sepals and petals pure white; saccate lip soft yellow; substance firm; texture diamond dust. Measurements in cm. Ns  2.8  nsv  2.8  Dsw  1.1  dsl  1.3  Pw  0.7 […]

17Apr 2010

April 17, 2010 Sacramento Orchid Society Show Epidendrum Pacific Volcano ‘Orange Orb’ (Epi. Pacific Girl x Epi. Pacific Lava) AM 81 Exhibited by Cal-Orchid Description: Eighteen full flowers and six buds on one inflorescence; flat, rounded petals and sepals vibrant red orange; lip flat, fimbriate, yellow centrally, vibrant red orange distally; substance firm; texture matte. […]

17Apr 2010

April 17, 2010 Sacramento Orchid Society Show Epidendrum Pacific Thrill ‘Heat Stroke’ (Epi. Sun Valley x Epi. Pacific Girl) AM 84 Exhibited by Cal-Orchid Description: Twenty-two flowers and 21 buds on one upright inflorescence; sepals and petals dark orange with light orange midrib and yellow at apex; lip yellow with light orange fringe; column dark […]

17Apr 2010

April 17, 2010 Sacramento Orchid Society Show Epidendrum Pacific Thrill ‘Fireball’ (Epi. Sun Valley x Epi. Pacific Girl) HCC 79 Exhibited by Cal-Orchid Description: Twenty slightly cupped flowers and 20 buds on one inflorescence; sepals and petals red orange; fringed lip bright yellow centrally, orange on margin; substance firm; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns […]

17Apr 2010

April 17, 2010 Sacramento Orchid Society Show Cattleya schilleriana ‘Hannah Jane’ species HCC 78 Exhibited by Jerry Latham Description: Two flowers on one inflorescence; sepals and petals undulating, recurved and reflexed distally, tan, irregularly blotched maroon; lip flat, large, distinctly striated magenta on midlobe, flushed magenta on sidelobes, yellow blushed with magenta striations in throat; […]

10Apr 2010

April 10, 2010 Tropical Plant Society of Modesto Show Dendrobium hemimelanoglossum ‘Janet’ species HCC 78 Exhibited by Dennis Wade Description: Twenty-six flowers and 37 buds on four pendant inflorescences; sepals and petals strong apple green; spurred lip strong apple green, black purple on apical one-half. substance average; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns  1.9  nsv […]

10Apr 2010

April 10, 2010 Paphiopedilum Melange ‘Annie’ (Paph. Dark Shadow x Paph. Hsinying Maru) AM 80 Exhibited by Dennis Wade Description: One flower on one inflorescence; sepals dark rose with burgundy stripes, suffused light green basally; petals light green heavily overlaid burgundy with darker burgundy raised spots, lighter burgundy distally, hirsute on margins; pouch burgundy; substance […]

07Apr 2010

April 7, 2010 Sarcochilus Charm ‘Jocelyn’ (Sarc. Bernice Klein x Sarc. Fitzhart) AM 82 Exhibited by James Morris Description: Seventy flowers on nine arching inflorescences; sepals and petals randomly spotted burgundy heavily coalescing centrally with burgundy picotee; saccate lip yellow, side lobes spotted burgundy; substance firm; texture crystalline. Measurements in cm.  Ns  3.2  nsv  2.8 […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center