2019 Awards

01May 2019

May 1, 2019 20191278 Cattleya maxima var. coerulea ‘Wedding Sky’ species HCC 79 Exhibited by Virginia Grove Description: Fourteen flowers and two buds on two upright inflorescences; sepals and petals uniform light coerulea; lip light coerulea, veined darker coerulea, striped yellow centrally; substance medium; texture crystalline. Measurements in cm.  Ns  13.1  nsv  14.0  Dsw  1.6 […]

13Apr 2019

April 13, 2019 20191267 Sacramento OS Show Leptotes bicolor ‘Goodstuff’ species AM 83 Exhibited by Tom Pickford Description: Twenty-one large stellate, non-resupinate flowers and three buds on ten inflorescences; sepals and petals bright white; lip white overlaid magenta in midlobe, column green, anther cap cordovan; substance firm; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns  6.5  nsv […]

13Apr 2019

April 13, 2019 20191266 Sacramento OS Show Paph. Ruby Boy Wonder ‘Malbec’ (Paph. Ruby Voodoo x Paph. Wood Wonder) AM 80 Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky Description: One large flat flower on a well-presented eighteen cm inflorescence; sepals base color white overlaid rose with burgundy veination; petals base color green overlaid rose randomly spotted burgundy; pouch […]

13Apr 2019

April 13, 2019 20191269 Sacramento OS Show Paph. micranthum var. eburneum ‘Yeti’ species AM 82 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: One flower on one inflorescence; dorsal sepal white flushed green centrally, veined maroon; petals white flushed yellow-green centrally veined and tessellated maroon; pouch white faintly blushed pink at rim, pink spots on interior; […]

03Apr 2019

April 3, 2019 20191260 Dendrobium King Zip ‘Red Splash’ (Den. Kathking x Den. Zip) AM 86 Exhibited by Jeff Tyler Also received a CCM 88 Description: Five hundred three impressive flowers and two buds on eighty-four inflorescences on an impressive plant grown in a 18 cm clay pot; sepals and petals bright white, segments blushed […]

03Apr 2019

April 3, 2019 20191259 Dendrobium speciosum var. curvicaule ‘In Situ’ species CCM 81 Exhibited and grown by Jeff Tyler Description: One thousand twenty yellow-green flowers on 17 inflorescence, five canes bearing two inflorescences, borne in a 360 degree display around a 78 cm plant grown in a 48 cm plastic pot; lip white stippled brown […]

03Apr 2019

April 3, 2019 20191263 Cymbidium Amelian Odyssey ‘Wild Thing’ (Cym. Terry Kamikawa x Cym. Mem. Amelia Earhardt) AM 81 Exhibited by Ed Dumaguin Description: Fourteen flowers on one inflorescence; dorsal sepal and petals cream overlaid and linearly stippled rose-brown; lateral sepals upper half similar to petals and sepals, lower half peloric similar to lip and […]

03Apr 2019

April 3, 2019 20191261 Dendrobium King Zip ‘Red Splash’ (Den. Kathking x Den. Zip) CCM 88 Exhibited and grown by Jeff Tyler Also received an AM 86 Description: Five hundred three impressive flowers and two buds on eighty-four inflorescences on an impressive plant grown in a 18 cm clay pot; sepals and petals bright white, […]

03Apr 2019

April 3, 2019 20191262 Cymbidium Alfredo Kraus ‘Hi Jinks’ (Cym. Parish Green x Cym. Mem. Amelia Earhardt) HCC 77 Exhibited by Ed Dumaguin Description: Twelve flowers and 12 buds on an arching inflorescence; sepals and petals chartreuse with burgundy stripes; lip cream, dark burgundy apically, side lobes dark pink; substance firm texture matte. Measurements in […]

03Apr 2019

April 3, 2019 20191264 Cymbidium Jaybee’s Wild Side ‘Tygr Jade’ [(Cym. Yai x Cym. Son of Freak) x Cym. Yowie Flame] JC Exhibited by Ed Dumaguin Description: Nine semi-peloric flowers on an upright 25 cm inflorescence; dorsal sepal white brushed rose pink, overlaid rich burgundy on inferior half with sulfur yellow keels; lip white heavily […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center