2017 Awards

07Jun 2017

June 7, 2017 20171263 Bulb. dearei ‘Waterfield’ species CCE 93 Exhibited by Jeff Tyler Description: Fifty-four flowers and 10 buds on 64 inflorescences, fully displayed in 360 degrees around an 80 cm plant grown in a 22 cm net basket grown in NZ sphagnum moss; flowers golden yellow; dorsal sepal faintly veined and speckled burnt […]

07Jun 2017

June 7, 2017 20171270 C. Erin Pelfrey ‘Pelfrey’s Pick’ (C. Baby Love x C. Sacramento Spot) HCC 78 Exhibited by Clay Pelfrey Description: Three flowers on one inflorescence; sepals and petals magenta with deeper magenta veins; lip white, overlaid deep magenta, keel dark red; substance firm; texture diamond dust. Measurements in cm. Ns 9.5 nsv […]

03May 2017

May 3 201720171256Sarco. Kulnura Symphony ‘Yumi Chan Chan’(Sarco. Elegance x Sarco. Bunyip)AM 82Exhibited by Dennis Olivas Description: Sixteen round flowers on one mature inflorescence and 5 flowers on one immature inflorescence; sepals and petals white heavily blotched rose, darker rose centrally; saccate lip butter yellow, side lobes barred maroon, lightly marked marron at tip; substance […]

03May 2017

May 3 201720171260Sarco. Kulnura Iridessa ‘Aussie’(Sarco. Bunyip x Sarco. Cherie Dawn)AM 83Exhibited by James G. Morris Description: Forty-four round flowers and one bud on three mature inflorescences; sepals and petals white heavily overlaid fuchsia, concentrically barred dark fuchsia; saccate lip cream, side lobes flushed maroon, lightly marked orange at tip; substance firm; texture matte. Measurements […]

03May 2017

May 3 201720171258Sarco. Heidi ‘In Situ’(Sarco. Fitzhart x Sarco. hartmanii)AM 81Exhibited by Jeff Tyler Description: Seventy-eight well-presented flowers and 11 buds on six infloresccences; flowers white, sepals and petals overlaid dark rose bars basally, light pink central to apex; lip cream overlaid dark rose; anther cap yellow; substance firm; texture matte. Measurements in cm. Ns […]

03May 2017

May 3 201720171257Paph. rothschildianum ‘Tempranillo’speciesAM 88Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky Description: Five flowers and two buds on one upright 31 cm inflorescence; sepals bright chartreuse heavily veined deep rich mahogany; petals bright chartreuse speckled central 1/3, veined outer 2/3 deep rich mahogany; pouch chartreuse heavily overlaid cordovan; substance heavy; texture waxy. Measurements in cm. Ns 27.0 […]

03May 2017

May 3 201720171252Paph. Cam’s Cloud ‘Sherry’(Paph. bellatulum x Paph. emersonii)AM 82Exhibited by Jerry Lin Description: One well-presented flower held high above the foliage on a 7.5 cm inflorescence; dorsal sepal white lightly stippled and spotted dark fuchsia basally; petals white, upper half heavily marked dark fuchsia, lower half evenly stippled dark fuchsia; pouch dark charteuse […]

03May 2017

May 3 2017 20171259 Cym. Satisfaction ‘Jaybee’ (Cym. Anna Szabo x Cym. devonianum) HCC 78 Exhibited by Ed Dumaguin Description: Fifteen cascading flowers on one semi-pendent inflorescence; sepals and petals cream overlaid rose, striped darker rose; lip white, spotted dark burgundy on side lobes, overlaid dark burgundy distally; column white heavily suffused burgundy; anther cap […]

03May 2017

May 3 2017 20171261 Cym. Crimson Falls ‘Jaybee’ (Cym. Space Tango x Cym. Phar Lap) AM 81 Exhibited by Ed Dumaguin Description: Thirty-two flowers evenly spaced on a gracefully arching inflorescence; sepals and petals cream heavily suffused red, striped darker burgundy; lip cream heavily overlaid deep, dark burgundy, yellow centrally; column dark burgundy; anther cap […]

03May 2017

May 3 2017 20171253 Cyrtochilum macranthum ‘Monster’ species AM 80 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Fourteen flowers on one vining inflorescence and eight buds on a second developing inflorescence; sepals yellow heavily overlaid brown-olive; petals bright yellow; lip darker yellow, side lobes and column wings burgundy, callus light yellow with seven symmetrically arranged […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center