2016 Awards

03Feb 2016

February 3, 2016 20162447 Cuitlauzina pulchella ‘Melencia’ species AM 80 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santo Description: Twenty flowers on two gently arched inflorescences; sepals and petals brilliant white; lip white, callus yellow overlaid fine maroon dots; substance firm; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns  3.8  nsv  4.8  Dsw  1.5  dsl  2.8  Pw  1.7  pl […]

03Feb 2016

February 3, 2016 20162449 Cym. Death Wish ‘Julian Brandon’ (Cym. Pywacket x Cym. Disney Girl) HCC 77 Exhibited by Ed Dumaguin Description: Twelve flowers and three buds on one arched inflorescence; sepals and petals chartreuse laterally spotted oxblood; lip cream spotted oxblood; column cream heavily spotted oxblood; substance firm; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns […]

03Feb 2016

February 3, 201620162451Paph. appletonianum ‘Joan’ speciesAM 82Exhibited by Joan Gunn Description: Eight striking flowers on eight inflorescences; dorsal sepal ivory with dark green overlay centrally, darker green venation, midrib dark brown; petals green, chestnut overlay centrally with darker spots on upper margin; pouch light green with chestnut overlay; staminode pale green overlaid centrally dark green; […]

03Feb 2016

February 3, 2016 20162448 C. Dragon’s Fire ‘Dean’s Fire’ (C. Seagull’s Tangerine x C. Pole Star) HCC 79 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Six flowers ad three buds on two inflorescences; sepals yellow overlaid burnt orange with darker red venation; petals base color yellow overlaid burnt orange,darker red apically;lip sulfur yellow overlaid dark […]

03Feb 2016

February 3, 201620162451Mediocalcar decoratum ‘Party Time’ speciesCCE 94Exhibited by Jeff Tyler Description: Immaculately grown 40 cm by 40 cm plant in a 14 cm clay pot; 375 flowers and 100 buds densely arranged on individual inflorescences; sepals orange basally, dark yellow towards apex; petals dark yellow; lip dark yellow; substance heavy; texture waxy. Measurements in […]

06Jan 2016

January 6, 201620162442Oberonia padangensis ‘In Situ’ speciesCBR (VOID)Species has previous CBRExhibited by Jeffrey G. Tyler Description: Approximately 6600 flowers on eight inflorescences borne on the apics of eight flat growths with alternating leaves; growths are 9.5-cm to 29.0 cm long and inflorescences are 34.5 to 39.0-cm long; flowers minute, chartreuse; substance firm; texture matte. Recognized […]

06Jan 2016

January 6, 201620162441Paph. fairrieanum ‘Nova’ speciesAM 82Exhibited by Richard F. Buchter Description: Two upright flowers on two inflorescences nicely held above the foliage; dorsal sepal recurved apically, margin undulate, white with deep purple veins, suffused green centrally; synsepal white with light purple stripes centrally; petals white with purple veins,suffused green centrally; pouch chartreuse, overlaid maroon […]

06Jan 2016

January 6, 201620162444Hippeophyllum scortechinii ‘In Situ’speciesCCE 92Exhibited by Jeffrey G Tyler Description: Approximately 6000 flowers on 12 arched inflorescences well- displayed around a 27 x 36-cm plant mounted on a 4.5 x 13-cm wooden plaque; flowers pale green; substance firm; texture matte. Measurements in cm.  Ns  0.3  nsv  0.3  Dsw  –  dsl  –  Pw  – […]

06Jan 2016

January 6, 2016 20162443 Bulb. ankylochele ‘Lemon Chiffon’ species CHM 85 Exhibited by Jeffrey G. Tyler Description: Nineteen flowers and seven buds on a 20-cm plant in an 8-cm pot; flowers nicely arranged around the plant. Recognized for its delicate pale, translucent yellow sepals and petals and open contrasting orange lip and potential for hybridizing. […]

02Nov 2016

    Nov 2, 2016 20162498 Sunipia grandiflora ‘In Situ’ species AM 80 Exhibited by Jeff Tyler Measurements in cm. Ns 3.2 nsv 3.4 Dsw 0.8 dsl 2.0 Pw 0.6 pl 1.7 Lsw 0.7 lsl 1.5 Lipw 1.0 lipl 1.3 #flwrs 4 #buds 1 #infl 5 Description: Four flowers and one bud on five inflorescences, two […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center