2023 Awards

21Jul 2023

  July 05, 2023 20232343 C. Fuchsia Doll ‘Nevada City’ C. (sincorana x Sierra Doll) AM 83 Exhibited by Ted McClellan Description: Two full flowers on one 2.5-cm inflorescence; sepals and petals fuchsia, veined deep fuchsia distally; lip side lobes fuchsia, overlaid dark fuchsia toward apex, midlobe white centrally, dark fuchsia distal one-third; column white, […]

21Jul 2023

  July 05, 2023 20232336 Epc. Raingreen’s Little Susie ‘Tiny Dancer’ Epc. (Epi. conopseum x C. alaorii) AD Exhibited by Jeff and Debbie Trimble Description: Two flat flowers on one 3.5-cm inflorescence; sepals and petals light green, overlaid rose; lip light green overlaid light rose, deep rose centrally; column rose, green at base, anther cap […]

21Jul 2023

  July 05, 2023 20232335 C. x dolosa ‘Gorgeous’ C. (loddigesii x walkeriana) FCC 90 Exhibited by Ted McClellan Description: Three stellar, full, white flowers on one 2.3-cm inflorescence; sepals white, lanceolate, apically recurved; petals white, ovate, broad, margin undulate; trilobed lip white, overlaid light yellow centrally, heavily ruffled, midlobe prominent, side lobes open, blushed […]

21Jul 2023

  July 05, 2023 20232334 Phal. Mainshow’s Spotted Leopard ‘Bagairt’ Phal. (Yaphon Black Snake x tetraspis)  HCC 76 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Seven flowers on two inflorescences up to 24 cm; sepals and petals yellow, randomly overlaid burnt red; lip white, side lobes overlaid yellow centrally, midlobe overlaid red; column white, overlaid […]

21Jul 2023

  July 05, 2023 20232333 Zygoneria Adelaide Meadows ‘Gold Country’ Zygoneria (Zygopetalum Titanic x Zygoneria Dynamo) AM 81 Exhibited by Gold Country Orchids Description: Six well-arranged flowers on one upright, 28.5-cm inflorescence; sepals and petals bright green, irregularly blotched brown-purple; lip white, proximal two-thirds overlaid violet; column maroon, anther cap cream; substance heavy; texture waxy. […]

02Jul 2023

  June 18, 2023 20232342 Encyvola Phoenix ‘Gold Country’ Encyvola (B. nodosa x Enc. phoenicea) AM 82 Exhibited by Gold Country Orchids Description: Nine flowers and five buds on one erect, 32-cm inflorescence; sepals and petals cordovan; lip white, undulate, heavily spotted magenta, lavender strap centrally, ruffled margin; column white, finely speckled magenta, anther cap […]

02Jul 2023

  June 18, 2023 20232340 Miltoniopsis Quintals Prime ‘Cheeky’ Miltp.  (Lynne Waihee x vexillaria) AM 82 Exhibited by Chen-Hao Hsu Description: Twelve flowers on two inflorescences up to 54-cm in length, plus three immature inflorescences; sepals soft white; petals soft white, light pink centrally, proximally; lip broad, white, light pink lines radiating centrally; mask dark […]

02Jul 2023

  June 18, 2023 20232339 Dendrobium parishii ‘Gold Country’ species  AM 80 Exhibited by Gold Country Orchids Description: One hundred fourteen flowers and five buds on three pendent inflorescences; base color white, suffused magenta; lip papillose, lightly suffused magenta, eyes dark magenta; column and anther cap magenta; substance medium; texture waxy. Measurements in cm.  Ns […]

02Jul 2023

  June 18, 2023 20232338 Phal. Blue Ridge Watermelon ‘Dorothy Helen’ Phal. (Pylo’s Key-Lime Pie x bellina) HCC 75 Exhibited by Daniel Pfarr Description: Four flat flowers on a 7-cm, slightly crowded inflorescence; sepals and petals chartreuse, overlaid magenta proximally and on lower ventral half of lateral sepals; lip white, midlobe heavily overlaid magenta, side lobes […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center