2023 Awards

24Nov 2023

November 19, 2023, 20232305, Bcd. Gilded Tower ‘Mystic Maze’, Bcd. (Bst. Summit x Brsdm. Gilded Urchin), AM 81, Exhibited by Lynne Murrell Description: Sixteen flowers and twenty-six buds on two erect inflorescences up to 65-cm; sepals and petals olive green, edged golden yellow, proximal halves heavily overlaid dark brown; ruffled lip bright yellow, blotched chestnut […]

24Nov 2023

November 19, 2023 20232304 Paph. Little Pinky ‘Petite Rose’ Paph. (King Charles x Mem. Sandra Pechter Song) HCC 77 Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky Description: One slightly cupped flower on a 6.0-cm upright inflorescence; dorsal sepal white, vertically spotted cordovan centrally, suffused pink laterally; synsepal light green; petals light green overlaid mahogany, dark central vein; pouch […]

24Nov 2023

November 19, 2023 20232303 Gomesa imperatoris-maximiliani ‘Bodacious’ (species) HCC 75 Exhibited by Chen-Hao Hsu Description: Eighteen flowers well-spaced on a 3-branched 66-cm inflorescence; eliptic dorsal and fused lateral sepals chestnut brown with random horizontal yellow bars, fine vertical darker veins, and yellow picotee; obovate petals chestnut brown, fine yellow picotee; lip ruffled, side lobes chestnut […]

24Nov 2023

November 19, 2023 20232302 Rth. Toshie’s Charm ‘Bagairt’ Rth. (Rlc. Little Toahie x Rth. Izumi Charm) HCC 79 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Two flowers presented on one 3.5-cm inflorescence; sepals and petals bright yellow; lip yellow, sidelobes overlaid red, midlobe striated proximally overlaid deep red; column white, anther cap white; substance firm; […]

15Nov 2023

November 01, 2023 20232353 Rlc. Empress Pride ‘Tice Creek’ Rlc. (L. anceps x Pink Empress) HCC 77 Exhibited by Ted McClellan Description: Four flowers and two immature flowers on three inflorescences up to 13 cm; sepals and petals rose-lavender, petal margins slightly undulate; ruffled lip medium rose, deep yellow throat, maroon venations, dark lavender apically; […]

15Nov 2023

November 01, 2023 20232301 Restrepia wageneri ‘Anastacia’ (species) CBR Exhibited by Diane Bond Description: Six flowers and one bud on seven inflorescences up to 4-cm, on a plant 16-cm wide by 9.5-cm high, and 45-cm in circumference, grown in an 8-cm clay pot; flowers are obcordate shaped, yellow, chartreuse-brown basal one third; dorsal sepal translucent, […]

15Nov 2023

November 01, 2023 20232300 Aerangis Pionier ‘Good Choices’ Aerangis (mystacidii x kotschyana) CCE 91 Exhibited by Anne Kimmerlein Description: One hundred ten pristine white, birdlike flowers on seven pendent inflorescences up to 33 cm long, on a 37-cm wide by 29-cm high plant grown in bark in a 15.5-cm plastic pot; flowers white, blushed light […]

22Oct 2023

October 15, 2023 20232352 Paph. Dream Treasure ‘Primativo’ Paph. (Harvest Dream x Hawaiian Treasure) AM 83 Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky Description: One well presented flower on a 13-cm inflorescence; sepals base color white, green venation, lightly blushed rose veins; petals base color green, overlaid rose on exterior edges, hirsute margins; pouch base color green, overlaid […]

22Oct 2023

October 15, 2023 20232351 Paph. QF Lani ‘Anitchka’ Paph. (Cascade Creek x philippinense) AM 81 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Four flowers on one 36-cm arched inflorescence; base color white; dorsal sepal striped oxblood, blotched oxblood centrally; synsepal white, oxblood vertical stripes; petals pleasingly twisted, white overlaid chartreuse, fine oxblood blotches basal third, […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center