2022 Awards

03May 2022

April 24, 2022 20222295 Paph. victoria-regina ‘Betty’ (species) FCC 93 Exhibited by Dawn Dawson Description: One large, stunning flower and two buds on one 31-cm inflorescence; dorsal sepal cream overlaid chartreuse, darker centrally, distinct deep brown veins, edges hirsute; synsepal cream overlaid chartreuse, fine brown veins; petals pleasingly undulate and slightly twisted, light chartreuse, randomly […]

03May 2022

April 24, 2022 20222294 Onc. Burgundian ‘#2’ Onc. (schroederianum x Harry Sutton) HCC 78 Exhibited by Brenda B Ruedy Description: Twenty flowers on two inflorescences up to 26-cm, and eleven buds on two immature inflorescences; sepals and petals white overlaid dark maroon; lip white, upper lobe dark maroon suffused cerise medially, white picotee, callus red, […]

03May 2022

  April 24, 2022 20222293 Paph. philippinense ‘Hector’ (species) FCC 91 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Five well arranged flowers and two buds on one 66-cm arched inflorescence; dorsal sepal white heavily veined cordovan; dorsal sepal white lightly veined cordovan; petals ivory overlaid chartreuse basally, overlaid cordovan on edge, deepening to full segment […]

21Apr 2022

April 09, 2022 20222292 Lepanthes calodictyon ‘Dana Lynn’ (species) CCE 90 Exhibited by Tyler Albrecht Description: Twenty-nine flowers and fourteen buds sequentially blooming on twenty-two round reticulated leaves well-displayed on a 10-cm by 10-cm plant on a 17-cm hardwood mount; red flowers minute. Measurements in cm.  Ns  0.2  nsv  0.2  Dsw  0.0  dsl  0.0  Pw […]

21Apr 2022

  April 09, 2022 20222291 Paph. Hilo Prince ‘Medusa’ Paph. (Shin-Yi Prince x rothschildianum )  AM 80 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Five flowers on one 47.4-cm inflorescence; dorsal and synsepal yellow overlaid distinct mahogany stripes, mahogany blush centrally; petals slightly twisted, yellow, spotted mahogany on proximal one-third, fine mahogany stripes on remaining two-thirds; […]

21Apr 2022

  April 09, 2022 20222288 Paph. Shih-Yueh Sunlight ‘Bagairt’ Paph. (Bouilly Port x adductum var. anitum) AM 81 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Four well-presented flowers on one 52-cm inflorescence; dorsal and synsepal slightly cupped, yellow, overlaid mahogany stripes; petals yellow heavily spotted rose-mahogany; pouch yellow, uniformly overlaid rose-brown ; substance firm; texture […]

21Apr 2022

April 09, 2022 20222284 Paph. lowii ‘Alsace’ (species)  AM 80 Exhibited by Dave Sorokowsky Description: Four flowers and three buds on one upright 36.5-cm inflorescence; dorsal sepal chartreuse overlaid brown basally; synsepal chartreuse with green veining; petals chartreuse, plum apically, maroon venation and spotting distally, chartreuse picotee; pouch olive, maroon vernation; staminode chartreuse, maroon distally; […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center