2022 Awards

11Jul 2022

July 06, 2022                                                                  20222322                                        […]

28Jun 2022

June 19, 202220222320C. Fascelis ‘Goodstuff’C. (aclandiae x bicolor)HCC 79Exhibited by Tom Pickford Description: Five fragrant flowers on one 8.5-cm inflorescence; sepals and petals bright chartreuse, large dark burgundy spots, sometimes coalesced; lip white, sidelobes overlaid light pink, midlobe overlaid bright magenta, column bright magenta, anther cap light yellow; substance firm; texture waxy, lip velvet. Measurements […]

28Jun 2022

  June 19, 2022 20222317 Paph. Hilo Black Eagle ‘Bagairt’ Paph. (Johanna Burkhardt x rothschildianum) AM 82 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Four well presented flowers on one 56-cm unstaked inflorescence; dorsal sepal yellow-tan, dark cordovan stripes radiating from base, centrally coalesced; synsepal yellow-tan, dark cordovan stripes; petals slightly undulate, broad at shoulder, […]

14Jun 2022

June 01, 2022 20222314 C. Loud Nine ‘Anitchka’ C.  ( Rhyncholaeliocattleya Rubescence x C. Orpetii ) AM 80 Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos Description: Two striking, flat flowers on one 3-cm inflorescence; lanceolate sepals and ovate petals dark garnet; lip round, closed over column, basally gold with dark garnet striations, distally deeper garnet; column garnet, […]

14Jun 2022

  June 01, 2022 20222313 Mystacidium braybonae ‘Sierra Snow’ (species) CCE 93 Exhibited by Gold Country Orchids  Description: Three hundred fifty-two flowers on twenty-two inflorescences and twenty-two buds on three immature inflorescences; presented on ten very pristine growths with grey roots to 25-cm long, grown on a 5.4-cm x 5.4-cm cork mount; flowers pure white, […]

California Sierra Nevada Judging Center