June 16, 2024
Bulb. claptonense (Flavum) ‘Melencia’
FCC 95
Exhibited by Ramon de los Santos


Twelve flowers on twelve inflorescences 2-cm, ovary to 15-cm; borne fully around a cleanly grown 11-cm by 21-cm plant, grown in moss in a 15-cm plastic pot; dorsal sepal and petals bold golden yellow faintly veined light green; lateral sepals darker orange; mobile lip white, side lobes tinged yellow, column and anther cap golden yellow; substance hard; texture faintly crystalline. Plant also received 88-point CCM Award #20242311.

Measurements in cm.

 Ns  7.5  nsv  7.0
 Dsw  1.9  dsl  4.9
 Pw  1.6  pl  3.6
 Lsw  2.0  lsl  3.8
 Lipw  1.2  lipl  2.5
 # flwrs         12  # buds
 # infl
California Sierra Nevada Judging Center