Feb. 1, 2017
C. Petitfleur ‘Jocelyn’
(C. johngeana x C. praestans)
HCC 76
Exhibited by James G. Morris


Three flowers and one bud on three inflorescences; sepals and petals rose pink; tubular lip rose pink overlaid yellow in throat, amethyst margin; substance average; texture diamond dust.

Measurements in cm.

Ns 10.5 nsv 10.0
Dsw 1.7 dsl 6.2
Pw 3.9 pl 5.6
Lsw 1.8 lsl 5.6
Lipw 2.5 lipl 5.2
#flwrs 3 #buds 1 #infl 3
California Sierra Nevada Judging Center